Higher consciousness really needs to come with a warning label.
With more people accessing their fifth-dimensional “Soul” aspect, and many have been developing this over many years, we are starting to see the dysfunctional or “Shadow” aspect of consciousness play out, and it’s not pretty.
More than ever before, we are witnessing an influx of spiritual seekers, people curious about metaphysics, universal laws and the presence etheric beings (i.e. guides, angels, etc.), as well as people deep-diving into conspiracy theories and alternative news.
There is a boom of people studying practices such as energy healing, psychic development, astrology, and various forms of life coaching. There is also an emergence of citizen journalists who are deep diving into human history to uncover/support and join the dots of many long pertaining conspiracy theories, global anomalies, and societal paradigms that seem ‘off.
This behaviour is all very congruent with fifth-dimensional consciousness. Our fifth-dimensional aspect (and beyond) is our ‘spiritual-self.’ This aspect is all about INFORMATION about ourselves as a Soul and how the world ‘works’. We become fascinated and insatiably curious about our divine nature and how this is reflected out to the world. We realise we are more than just our thoughts and feelings, and there is some path or purpose that is unique to us.
Now that many people who have been playing in their fifth-dimensional aspect for several years have settled in to “higher consciousness”, what is becoming increasingly apparent is that there is a poor understanding of three things:
1. Integrating multi-dimensional consciousness.
2. The mechanics of dissonance that accompanies ALL change and transformation.
3. The role of polarity, a universal law.
More and more, I am witnessing a lot of these people who are stuck and very ungrounded.
While they may engage in spiritual practices and on the outside, appear ’evolved’, their physical life is often a hot mess. They are often broke and struggle to get by or are financially dependant on another. Interacting with others without the same level of conscious awareness becomes a challenge and relationships may feel mundane. And some struggle to “do” everyday living like being in crowds (e.g. at a shopping centre) and may become reclusive.
Many have studied numerous modalities but are either not practising these professionally or are barely making a living because they have this fantastical idea that “clients will come because I intended it” or “I’ve put it out to the universe”, or “I’ve cleared my money blocks”, without doing the leg-work (i.e. marketing, advertising, creating systems, etc.) that comes with running any business.
Many ‘tolerate’ disempowering jobs, careers, and relationships because they have the tools to “neutralise” or “clear” how they feel.
Many have become very disempowered and don’t realise it (or care to admit it!). It’s disguised as empowerment because they are going to that next retreat, learning a new modality, or get an energy healing, when what they NEED to do is take action.
The thing about New Age tools is that they are so effective, that we can do mindfulness, etc. in a way that we are can be perfectly happy to live under a bridge…but is this living our divine self-expression? No, of course not.
The quote, “A ship is safe in the harbour, but that’s not what ships are built for,” springs to mind.
What many people seem to overlook is that with higher consciousness comes power, and with power comes RESPONSIBILITY…and that includes ALIGNING with your divine nature.
So many people have it wrong. Many people focus on mindset (our fourth-dimensional aspect) and spiritual (fifth-dimensional aspect) but do not take the necessary action (third-dimensional aspect) to create the result. And while so many people are trying to increase their vibrational state through mindset and clearing work, it’s ACTION that creates the most significant vibrational shift. Therefore, you must integrate all three dimensional aspects. It doesn’t work any other way.
On top of this, to reach a new vibrational state, you HAVE to take new action which requires you to get out of your comfort zone, otherwise, you would already have your result. THIS EXPERIENCE CANNOT BE BY-PASSED. Why so many seekers get stuck is that they think clearing work or mindset practices will get rid of the discomfort. They get stuck in this cycle of clearing, meditation, mindset and mindfulness routines every time the going gets tough, instead of ‘facing the fear and doing it anyway’ attitude. Egoic resistance is a very real yet poorly understood mechanism, and learning strategies of taking appropriate action through this stage is essential to transformation.
And the “more conscious” you are, the more congruent you MUST be with your divine self-expression. In my work, I measure your Soul Vibration Rate (SVR) which is the level of your own ‘spiritual’ awareness, and the higher this is, the more congruent you must be across your multi-dimensional aspect. What I am seeing with people with higher SVR’s is that they have ‘evolved’ their fifth-dimensional SVR aspect without taking the necessary actions in their physical lives to match it. This ‘gap’ has people feeling worse than they did when they started their New Age journey!
Consciousness is not something to be rushed, and a higher SVR is not better! In fact, your SVR stalls if you are too incongruent across your multi-dimensional aspects and haven’t created the necessary results at the physical level to match your new level of awareness. It can leave you feeling like you are running the hamster wheel.
And as far as polarity, we must learn to embrace our shadow and dysfunctional aspects instead of ignoring or suppressing them. We must get clear why they are there in the first place before we can make the appropriate choices to shift them in our physical reality.
It comes down to this. Many people want the power, but not the responsibly. They are happy to portray being “evolved” or “spiritual” or “high conscious”, but aren’t prepared to put themselves out there in a way that is necessary to create the results that match their level of consciousness. Often people come up with many silly reasons why its okay to justify where they are:
“I am where I am meant to be.”
“It wasn’t meant to be.”
“It happened for a reason.”
“Money is not important.”
“We don’t need desires.”
These are often a cop-out and serve as seemingly acceptable excuses as to why things haven’t worked out.
Don’t worry, I’ve dabbled in this type of thinking, and we often do so when we are not creating the results we want and have no idea how to course correct. But if you can be honest with yourself about these types of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes – which, by the way, are also splashed across social media daily! – you will learn to get out of your way and help tune into the necessary discipline to focus on the actions required to achieve your goals.