Do you have those times where you literally have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do stuff?
I experience this a lot, especially when I have to step out of my comfort zone – in ALL life areas – including business, embodying a new level of authority in my work, and even dating!
While this shows up for everyone at some stage, this can be particularly challenging for those with no set timelines, including entrepreneurs, writers/artists, and athletes. After all, it is a lot easier to get started on tasks when you have a deadline, as per a typical employment situation or that fun run you entered in three months time, than it is when you are not accountable to anyone or a timeframe.
But then there’s another layer. Is what you have to action congruent to what you want? Is it even the right course of action? Congruent to your soul vibrational qualities?
There are times when you actually do need a rest and take time out, or you maybe heading down the wrong path of action as evidenced by your results, but then there are other times, when you KNOW that you are avoiding doing something.
The latter is egoic resistance, and this is a NORMAL part of change when your are stepping out of your comfort zone – yet this is where most people stop, reflect, and try something else more “comfortable” – and thereby, get no significant results.
While I am a big fan of self-reflection and examining your results, too much time can be a distraction and a form of procrastination.
When you are in the symptoms of egoic resistance (e.g. lack motivation, stuckness, fear, procrastination, etc.), ACTION (towards your goal) – no matter how small – it the best way to move through it. You need to get that energy moving, build momentum, and then the rest will follow. We’ve all had that experience when we have contemplated a training session and once we put on our exercise gear and got started, the session took care of itself and we felt awesome afterwards!
Something as small as making that one phone call, writing that one sentence, or arranging that one meeting, is all that it takes to get the ball rolling again. The more unmotivated you feel, the smaller you may need to break the steps down, even if you do think this is ridiculous.
And here’s a fun fact. It only takes 20 minutes of action to create enough momentum to get you in the zone and get the ball rolling for many hours!
For those who even struggle with this, ask for support. Having someone to be accountable to, even if they are not intimately involved with your project, can offer objectivity and a different perspective and can work wonders with your action steps.
Ask yourself, which is worse, actually doing what you have to do eventually, or putting up with your critical self-talk for not doing what needs to be done?
Just keep moving! ☺