Soul Mastery is a conscious, creative and authentically self-expressed process of ALIGNMENT.

It spiritual self-leadership where you reclaim your soul’s creative power as a divine being.

As a spiritually conscious person, you are aware that you are more than just your thoughts, emotions and physical body – that there is a “grander” aspect of yourself and have most likely delved deep into the pursuit of self-knowledge to understand more of “you” and the nature of our existence.

But what if… this abstract quantum field is more exact than you realise?

Due to the rapid expansion of human consciousness, especially this past decade, we are UPGRADING to a new operating system where we are accessing previously unavailable parts of our psyche – we are accessing our SOUL self, our QUANTUM self, our DIVINE self – that hasn’t been readily available to us until recent times.

And the key to unlock that divine potential that resides with you is your Soul Vibrational Qualities.

What many people are missing in their journey of self-discovery is SPECIFICITY.

Did you know that you have a soul blueprint that contains your unique Soul Vibrational Qualities that you are designed to experience yourself most abundantly?

That your KARMA – positive or negative – is according to whether you are making choices that either AFFIRM or NEGATE your Soul Vibrational Qualities?

This is not some new spiritual ideology or new age trend… this is WHO YOU ARE as a divine being that is reflected in your physical reality that complements Universal Laws.

Doing things that negate your Soul Vibrational Qualities makes life harder than it needs to be – creating lack, struggle, restriction of freedom, and thwarted self-expression – no matter what your “success on paper” might look like.

And the more you expand consciousness… the more fine-tuned negating karma becomes!

Which is why so many people are feeling discontentment, conflicted, muted, bored, numb, stagnant, disconnected, lonely, overwhelmed, energetically sensitive, a deep yearning (but don’t know what for and can’t seem to find it) and other uncomfortable feelings in at least one area of their life that often doesn’t make logical sense.

It might surprise you to hear that most people on the planet are only accessing a FRACTION of their Soul Vibrational Qualities… no matter what their “success on paper” looks like!

“Divine Consciousness” isn’t a state of permanent zen or losing yourself to some type of god-force – that paradigm is out-dated (and limiting, for reasons I explain in UnSpiritually Spiritual – Getting Real about the Great Awakening!)… it’s a process of EMBODIMENT.

Most people do not know their Soul Vibrational Qualities… this is why research consistently shows that over 93 per cent of people do not reach their goals!

Most people are a slave to their unconscious and subconscious programming and live on autopilot according to the beliefs and values of their family and ancestral linage as well as cultural and societal norms that negate who they are at soul-level… these are blindspots within your psyche that influence your behaviours, and therefore, your ability to create most efficiently.

Even if you are already highly successful, there is always a more efficient way and the soul’s innate yearning to experience expansion through its creative process never stops!

Your Soul is here to CREATE and thrives on CHANGE and NEW EXPERIENCES, yet as a society, we have been programmed to FEAR change which is why most people operate within a certain bandwidth… sure, many make changes, but quite often, it’s a variation of something they were already doing OR that change eats up more time and eventually leaves you exhausted.

Soul mastery isn’t about packing more into your life… it’s about POTENCY.

Stepping further into your Soul Vibrational Qualities while stripping away anything in the way… and reclaiming a whole new level of awareness of self that changes the way you look at life.

I access your Soul blueprint via your Akashic Record. Not only do we get specific on your soul-level gifts, but we also get specific on your current NEGATING choices and behaviours that are thwarting your access to your Soul Vibrational Qualities.

Getting “conscious” of the root of why you are making negating choices is essential in order to make new choices that align to your Soul Vibrational Qualities.

When people get into spiritual practice in an attempt to connect “within” or to “god” – what they are really trying to connect with is their Soul Vibrational Qualities… and many people spend YEARS trying to figure this out ad-hoc through endless healing and learning “lessons” that feels more like a chore, or wasting a lot of time going down rabbit holes of esoteric and spiritual ideologies that leaves them MORE frustrated, confused, and not really creating the shifts in their life that they want!

On top of this, “higher consciousness” and accessing more of your “soul” or “quantum” self comes with its inherent pitfalls that not many people are talking about because of distorted ideologies, out-dated spiritual teachings, oversimplification of universal laws, and a lack of understanding of the quantum field in relation to human consciousness. This is why New Age and spirituality is going a bit sideways at the moment and many seekers are getting stuck.

Soul Mastery is about identifying your specific “negating building blocks” and REALIGNING to your Soul Vibrational Qualities – it’s a detailed study of your PERSONAL KARMA and how this creates (and limits!) your reality – while also acknowledging your grander “quantum” aspect and how to embody this in a practical way.

• This could be the difference between speaking live to 100 vs 1000 people or 10,000 vs 100,000!

• Being able to captivate your work team vs a boardroom of executives.

• Increasing from a 6-figure to a multi 6-figure income, or a multi 6-figure to a 7-figure income.

• Turning your large online audience to an income stream.

• Tightening up at the end of a race or sports match.

• Prolonging your athletic career and maybe even enhancing your performance.

• Or letting your guard down and showing vulnerability to a (potential) romantic partner.

Soul Mastery honours YOU are a divine creator and a spiritual authority in your own right!

🗝️ Discover who you are at soul-level, your quantum nature, and what it means to navigate life with expanded perceptual awareness.

🗝️ Uncover your negative karmic patterns and blindspots that are currently holding you back.

🗝️ Powerfully EXPAND by unlocking your creative potential and sharing your unique divine gifts to the world.

🗝️ Become unshakable in your spiritual foundation by realigning to who you are at soul-level and reclaiming your personal sovereignty, time, vitality and aligned purpose.

🗝️ Maximise your time, energy, impact and POTENTIAL.

🗝️ Live unapologetic as a spiritually conscious authority of your personal evolution without getting caught up in endless transitions, information rabbit holes, dogma and fluff.

🗝️ Learn how to navigate the inherent pitfalls of “higher consciousness” and expansion that no one is talking about that is keeping so many spiritually conscious people stuck and spinning their wheels in their personal evolution.

What I offer

***For a limited time only, I am offering 1 x 60 minute Soul blueprint reading. This is a great opportunity to discover your Soul Vibrational Qualities and clear negative karmic patterns and get a taste for my work. Session must be booked with one week of purchase (you will receive a booking link with 24 hours of purchase). If you have any questions, please reach me via CONTACT (NB: 30 minute chat not available for this option). Purchase HERE.

I currently offer a 6 x 60 minute Soul Mastery Mentoring package conducted over 3 consecutive weeks (twice weekly) where we focus on your intention, hone in on your Soul Vibrational Qualities, and identify negative karmic patterns that are holding you back. During the consultation period, I offer psycho-spiritual guidance to help you to realign your actions and behaviours that reflect who you are at soul-level and navigate life with expanded perceptual awareness.

You receive:

• Your personalised My Soul Vibrational Qualities report.
• Quantum energy clearing during each consultation.
• Actionable guidance towards your intention.
• Mindfulness Meditation Audio to help “cleanse” your Auric Field.
• Audio recording of each consultation (optional).
• Email support throughout the consultation period.

Key benefits

• CLARITY of who you are at soul-level and your quantum nature.
• A more refined sense of PURPOSE.
• UNSHAKABLE in your spiritual foundation.
• More embodied AUTHORITY in your work.
• UNAPOLOGETIC self-expression.
• More attuned and sharper intuition.
• Increased inflow of vital force energy and therefore, increased VITALITY and creative power!
• Deeper understanding of the metaphysical workings of your life and society.
• More time, energy and embodied sense of self.
• Unplug from the “noise” of society!

What we cover

We focus on a particular goal or intention during the consultation period. By doing so, we “flush out” specific distortions impacting you right now, as well as hone into how you may apply your unique Soul Vibrational Qualities.

Your consults include (but is not limited to) the following:

Session 1 – Discover

• Uncover your unique Soul Vibrational Qualities – how you are designed to THRIVE in your physical experience.
• Identify the “heavy-hitting” distortions impacting your access to your Soul Vibrational Qualities.
• Energetically “clear” (a.k.a. quantum healing) identified distortions to increase the inflow of vital force energy to help you realign to your Soul Vibrational Qualities.
• Immediate action points towards your goal or intention.

Session 2 – Focus

• Hone in and get clear on your goal or intention.
• Delve further into your Soul Vibrational Qualities and identify and “clear” further distortions impacting you right now.
• Identify dysfunctional and unhealthy boundaries that are thwarting your access to your full potential.
• Guidance on action points towards the attainment of your goal or intention.

Session 3 – Foundations

• Uncover foundational distortions that are impacting both your goal/intention and other life areas (e.g. health, career, relationships).
• Address boundaries, one-sided and co-dependency exchanges.
• Identify where you might be (unintentionally) giving your inner or spiritual authority away.
• Guidance and support in navigating your day-to-day experiences.

Session 4 – Dissonance

• Address any underlying trauma or incomplete somatic stress impacting your movement forward.
• Strategies and support tools to navigate the “dissonance” period that accompanies all transitions.
• What to look for as signs that “new” is coming into your life.
• Understanding the difference between “old” that is being completed in your experience and “new” that is coming into your life.

Session 5 – Alignment

• Uncover unconscious or subconscious fragments of your psyche that are keeping you in contradictory behaviours and inner conflict.
• Examine your day-to-day experiences and adjust/tweak actionable guidance towards your goal/intention that reflect your Soul Vibrational Qualities.
• Address any day-to-day challenges you are experiencing, including egoic resistance.
• Identify any opportunities or blessings you may be overlooking.

Session 6 – Embodiment

• Strategies to help you remain grounded in your new level of expanded consciousness.
• Pitfalls of “higher consciousness” to look for that can lead you off-track from your soul mastery.
• How to navigate conscious relationships that support your boundaries according to your Soul Vibrational Qualities.
• Embracing your “inner guru” as your own spiritual authority!

This is a soul-deep dive and karmic purge to help you unlock your quantum potential!

Please note that because everyone is so unique and the nature of the transformation process, the above format may vary.

What you must bring to the table

• Acknowledge that you are 100 per cent responsible and the powerful creator of your own experience.
• Acknowledge getting out of your comfort zone is an integral aspect of change, transformation, and creation.
• Embrace “new” and experimentation within your actions and behaviours.
• A “beginner’s mind” on human consciousness, human behaviour, and human potential.


$2997 AUD (1 Time Payment), OR

2 x $1597 AUD Monthly Payments (Total: $3194 AUD)

I also offer a 3-consult package that helps you get clarity of who you are at soul level and connect with your deep spiritual knowledge and knowingness, while helping you remove the roadblocks of you accessing and embodying this innate ancient wisdom.

Request a (free) 30-minute Call

Please request a 30-minute call with Vanessa to discuss whether either of these packages is the right fit for you via CONTACT.

Refund Notice

If you change your mind after purchase and no longer wish to participate in this one-on-one consultation service, you may request a full refund (minus payment processing fee) no less than 5 days prior to your first consultation. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions.

FAQ’s – What exactly are Soul Vibrational Qualities? Distortions? And Quantum Healing?

Please check out: Understanding the Basics of the Soul Blueprint