Love is not a projection of will (to others or self), it’s setting free a natural and harmonising divine force that has been dwarfed by cultural and human limitations…
Many people exploring their spiritual self find themselves in an interesting conundrum – they want to “be” (who they really are, without question), while at the same time, “do” to keep up with external and societal expectations.
Often, they feel guilty if they delve too deeply into spiritual exploration and might even do this in private (with many people around them thinking this is a “phase” they’re going through) or feel like they have to become some sort of spiritual teacher to justify the time spent, THEN jump on the opposite wagon of do-do-doing to ensure that they’re seen as a productive member of society.
This is so unconscious, most people don’t even realise they’re doing it, except they feel like they’re see-sawing between two realities and it’s exhausting!
As a society, from a very young age, we have been wired to attach our identity to WHAT WE DO AND ACHIEVE rather than who we are – the first question we ask most people we meet is, “what do you do (for a living)?” And often make very specific judgments of who they are, without actually knowing who they are!
What does this do?
Two main things:
• It has many people chasing credentials, labels and roles in an attempt to meet some type of status as an esteemed member of society over and above their natural talents and deep desires, AND
• It creates an unstable inner foundation – when you have your sense of identity, love and success wrapped up in what you do or what you have, if that gets taken away, then all you have is “what I was” – keeping you stuck in the past and feeling like your glory days are over.
This is when many people fall into a crisis, a “tower moment” of their life, or to avoid this, stay in outdated circumstances because they either don’t know who they are OR are very attached and fear how they might be judged without these “things”.
Obviously, this affects intimacy in relationships because you are essentially swapping “overlays” of who we think we are rather than our true essence… whether we are funny, nurturing, quick-witted, sarcastic, empathic, direct, compassionate, highly intuitive, feisty, deeply introspective, or even freakishly gifted at something…
Many spiritually conscious people are running into this inner conflict right now, wanting to be their “vulnerable self” and crave unshakable spiritual stability as well as true intimacy with others, yet at the same time, subconsciously deny or protect this part.
By the way – this includes your spiritual and mastery practice to date!
So many people are either toning themselves down or taking a whole bunch of misaligned actions to fulfil some type of spiritual or “highly-conscious” stereotype due to outdated ideas and distorted concepts such as giving your power away to a perceived external authority (including “god”) and not really understanding the mechanics of energy, freewill and intent, what the soul actually is, the divine laws of creation and the fact that this “god-force” IS ALREADY WITHIN YOU!💥
It’s also important to note that this “protector” part of you is VALID. There are always some real-life adjustments you need to make to bring in the type of people, situations and circumstances that have the ability to witness the authentic you.
Knowing your Soul Vibrational Qualities (i.e. your unique “god-force” blueprint) and how to cultivate healthy and mutually-respectful boundaries with other people makes embodying this “vulnerable you” so much easier.
And to be honest, discovering who I am at Soul level is one of the greatest acts of self-love I have personally experienced and have also witnessed in others.
It actually takes the pressure off your inner critic because you really do get to appreciate a grander sacred aspect of yourself beyond egoic self-perception – and it helps you to drop labels.
Becoming unshakable in your spiritual sovereignty comes from the EMBODIMENT of your Soul Vibrational Qualities into your physical reality – and guidance on implementation is essential because this is a whole new way to embrace “spirituality” that is grounded and sustainable long-term.
Action, implementation and the results you create are obviously a part of your Soul’s creative expression, but it doesn’t define who you are, rather, it’s an outward expression (and even expansion) of your innate gifts that others get to enjoy!
And when we “fail”, it’s not wrapped up in our identity of how we view ourselves, but rather, an opportunity to course correct and adjust our behaviours and actions to create what we want.
This is a modern-day perspective shift for what it means to be ”spiritual” – it’s about EMBODIMENT.
“LOVE” from a universal law perspective then becomes about ALIGNMENT and harmony with your unique soul gifts and you get to experience your creative power and enhance your current experience by infusing your innate divine gifts in everything you do to create a more flowing life.
It’s part of you, much like you adjust your diet and lifestyle habits throughout life… and you get to explore this creative potential for the rest of your life!
Are you ready to take your life to the next level of self-love? Discover your Soul Vibrational Qualities HERE.